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american camp association
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp
S110 W30240 YMCA Camp Road, Mukwonago, WI 53149
Phone: (262) 363-4386 Fax: (262) 363-4351


Minimum age-15
Fee: Cost of one session
Duration: 1 week

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CIT Details

The training will last the duration of one camp session, and the CIT and Spring retreats.

The SDP and CIT Directors will maintain close personal contact with each participant.

CITs will be housed in their own tent along with a CIT Director.

Training will include two program areas (one morning and one afternoon), counseling skills, communication skills, taps talks, and other skills necessary for working with campers and staff in a camp atmosphere.

Emphasis will be on philosophy and on the practical ability to take control of a situation and responsibility for the campers under their charge.

Responsibility will include: work in tent situations, leadership in activity assignments, a positive role model for campers, attendance in daily SDP meeting.

All participants are required to furnish four letters supporting their participation in the program, from adults, outside of the camp community who can comment on their motivation, personal standards, work habits, ability to get along with others, and commenting on situations in which these traits have been observed. The persons writing the reference should mail letters directly to the camp. Ask that they return them as soon as possible. They must be in our hands by the CIT Retreat.

Each candidate will write an essay on "Who I Am" including a brief autobiography, a look at personal weakness and strengths, personal goals for his/her week at camp, and reference to lifetime goals. The deadline for this essay is the CIT retreat. If you are accepted as a CIT into the SDP program you will not be allowed to return to a session of camp as a "traditional camper". You have now risen to a leadership role at camp and although you are still "in training" you have grown past the role of camper.


Minimum age-16
Fee: Cost of one session
Duration: 2 weeks

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LIT Details

Campers will be accepted by invitation only, based on the satisfactory completion of the CIT experience, pre-LIT requirements, and the number of openings available.

The training will last the duration of two camp sessions and the Fall and Spring SDP Retreats.

A research paper must be completed by each participant in one of the following areas. The purpose is to provide new ideas for our present program, so that all ideas must be new to Phantom.

1. Suggestions for special day programs or events

2. New activities, skits or songs

3. New devotional or values-oriented material

Arrange with your counselor to use the material you develop. Evaluate the results, and turn in your evaluation at the end of the session.

Each participant will be highly encouraged to obtain either First Aid and/or CPR certifications.

LITs are housed with a tent family. They will work directly with a counselor and may take over the counselor's responsibilities as directed.

Training will include opportunities to expand what was learned as a CIT, and to learn and experience various counseling skills. In addition, they will be exposed to additional program areas.

LITs are encouraged to volunteer in off season activities (i.e. Family Camp, Retreats, Winter Camp, Haunted Hayride, work weekends, etc.)

Your report will be due prior to the Spring Retreat.


Minimum age-17
Fee: None
Duration: 3 weeks

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AC Details

Applicants are accepted by invitation only. Criteria used will be the evaluations from both the CIT and LIT program years. Completion of pre-AC requirements and number of available spots will also be considered.

The training will last the duration of three sessions and the Fall and Spring Retreats.

Each will be given the opportunity to be fully responsible for a tent family for one session, in so far as this is possible. Each AC will have the opportunity to participate in a "AC night out" during the summer.

ACs are encouraged to volunteer in off season activities (i.e. Family Camp, Retreats, Winter Camp, Haunted Hayride, work weekends, etc.)

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